Jan 25, 2020

My Acronym for The Word Love

This is my acronym for Love
I gave the acronym for the word love some deep thought and this is what I came up with.
The “L” in love is for always love no matter what which is also called unconditional love.  Unconditional love holds no records of wrong and this kind of love never dies.
The “O” in love is for observing overcoming obstacles that hinders us from loving each other unconditionally.
The” V” in love is for holding no vengeance in our minds, spirits, and hearts against any thing that anyone has done to us regardless of the situation.
The” E” in love is for Enduring hardship as a good soldier and letting go of all evil, hatred, malice, and bitterness from our souls.
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Minnie L Douglas
Faith and Family Circle Blog on Blogger