Apr 8, 2020

Faith and Family Circle: There is so much to love about April

Faith and Family Circle: There is so much to love about April: www.faithandfamilycircle.blogspot.com

 I call April a month of new beginnings,.

There is so much to love about April

I call April a month of new beginnings, and besides, November and December, April is my favorite season of the year!! I love the new flowers, leaves, grass, and all of the newness of the outside!!  They say, April showers brings May Spring flowers. Where I live, March showers has been bringing in the April flowers!! But this year, April showers are now coming in pretty regular, and I just love it, love it, love it!!   I have the most beautiful white baby breast trees in my yard that takes my breath away!  They stay pretty around three weeks. I wish these beauties would hang around much longer !   Besides those beautiful baby breathe trees. I enjoy hearing  the birds and squirrels chirping and the nice cool wind that blows in my hair and my face whenever I'm outside laying back in my lawn chair.

Besides all of this, I love to start gardening in April. I found a few blackberry plants from Sams Club that I set out on my porch. I want my son to see how they grow and tell him the story that we, as kids used to eat during the spring and early summer. Where I grew up, we had fields full of black berries that we used to pick and our mom would make black berry cobbler!! Where we live now, there are no black berries in sight which is so odd to me.  Besides  the virus, there are plenty of things to be grateful for and this is a time that we can now teach our children about nature and how we grew up as children.  Thanks for reading this information, and feel free to add your thoughts and ideas. May God bless the USA.

Faith and Family Circle: For I know the plans I have for you declares the L...

Faith and Family Circle: For I know the plans I have for you declares the L...: www.faithandfamilycircle.blogspsot.com I just want to take a few moments to give my thoughts about this  Corona Virus that's got lots of  people in an uproar!!!

Mar 27, 2020

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord

I just want to take a few moments to give my thoughts about this virus called The Corona Virus.
I pay a lot of attention to what's being said on my social media platforms, and i see how many are coming up with their own theory of how this virus started and a lot of them have placed a lot blame on our President because they don't trust him. A lot of them post funny things I guess to make light of the situation at hand, and some of them post things relative to the word of God like I do most times.  One thing about this virus,  a lot of parents are laid off work and are home with their children, and from my point of view, that's a good thing for a lot of children.  I personally have been laid off for the past two weeks, and now, I find myself getting my prayer life back again which is a good  thing. I believe that The god I serve which is the God of this universe has this situation in control, and he knows what he's doing, and most importantly, he wont let us down. So, I encourage all of you who have been born again by the blood of the Lamb, continue to seek the Lord and encourage those on your social media to stay strong and encourage them to pray. This is the prayer I encourage my social media reader to say. " Father God of heaven, Forgive us of our sins, and heal  our nation." A lot of us have no excuses to not be prayerful , and I personally thank God for the transformation that he's doing on a lot of us, and I bless his holy name because he has turned my heart back towards him. What do the word of God says, it says, " If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then, will I hear from heaven and heal their land. ( 2 Chronicles 7:14). This is my take on this situation our nation is facing. So, what is your take on this situation at hand, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Mar 24, 2020

April Clip Art is here

I have some exciting news for you guys, my readers. Next Month is April, and I want to give some cool Spring Clip Arts from my collection; away to all of you. The picture above has five clip Arts in it, and you can choose from the picture or give me a heads up on what you'd like. you can have your clip Art sent in either PNG, PDF, or JPG only. Sorry I have no SVG' files yet, but I'm trying to figure out how i can make them. If you like my posts,feel free to leave a comment and head over to my  fan page and I think you'll be happy you did. My Face Book title is Faith and Family Circle

Thanks for following me on blogger, and I pray that everyone will continue to pray for our nation and watch how God change things for us. The prayer doesn't need to be long, it can be as short as saying,"Father God of heaven, have mercy upon us." 

Feb 16, 2020

My Acronym for the word "HOPE"

https://faithandfamilycircleMy I hope and wishes is that everyone who visits my blog  will leave lifted, inspired, excited, connected, and motivated when they finish reading my posts!
I found a cute sign that says  "hope", this sign inspired me to want to  write a post that explains what I think of when I see the word hope.
The "H" is for heaven. According to the Holy Bible, heaven is a beautiful place that our heavenly father has prepared for his children, and to be God's children, you have got to be born again. In order to be born again, you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and accept the holy spirit into your heart and allow it to lead and guide you into all truths.
The "O" is for opportunity.  Everyone has the opportunity to allow The Holy spirit to come into their lives and live according to the scriptures, so that they will have the opportunity to live forever with their maker who is Father God and his son Jesus Christ.  
The "P" is for prayer.  Prayer is the key to heaven and Faith unlocks the door. If you want to make it to the place where our heavenly father has prepared for us, It's crucial that you have a relationship with the heavenly father through prayer.  
The "E" is for everlasting life.  When we give our lives over to the Lord, we are getting prepared to have everlasting life with our Father and his son Jesus Christ. 
In my conclusion, In order for us to experience everlasting life, It's necessary that we have "hope" and faith that the Word of God will do just what it says it will do. For if we have no faith, we have no hope. Who would want to live life without a hope that is greater than anything they can imagine? I thank the Lord Jesus for dying in my place so that I can live again through him. Amen. To God be the glory for the things he has done, is doing, and going to do. I hope you were inspired, and feel free to leave a comment because I love comments.  KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!!
